Monday, January 20, 2014

Through computer simulation research, done by Adam Burroughs at the University of Arizona, discovery was made that acoustic energy (soundwaves) are responsible for the expansion of supernovas, producing a shock wave that vibrates 300 times per second - the frequency that corresponds to the musical note F above middle C. Sound waves expand and produce a wobbling shock wave that forces the supernova to expand.

Sol-fa scale:

This scale is called a gamut.   Gamut means entire series of recognized musical notes (full scope of anything from beginning to the end, first to last, alpha to omega).

Gamut is derived from 2 words, gamma-ut.  Greek gamma (camel) and the word ut (that). Ut is equal to musical tone C.  The word ut is derived from the Indo-european word kwo.

Definition of kwo: who, which and that. The Indo-European word lik (body, form, to please, like) is included in the definitions relating to the Indo-European word kwo.

Definition of like (derived from lik (Indo-European). The definition means: to find pleasant, to prefer, choose, to be fond of, to agree with, to resemble closely, to possess characteristics of, to equal. Synonymous with the word love.

Definition of likely: imminent, logically or expectedly to occur, within the realm of credibility, plausible, apparent, successful, promising, apt, attractive, pleasant

Definition of liken: to see, mention, or show as like.

Definition of likeness: the state of quality of resembling or being like something

Other Indo-European words related to kwo: yeu, per, kom, mei, su, sta, bheu, qwei.

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