Saturday, January 25, 2014

Definition of nebula: mist, cloud, fog, any of many immense bodies highly rarified gas or dust in interstellar space, galaxy

Definition of galaxy: from Greek (galakt) - gala = milk. Akin to Latin lac = milk, milky way galaxy, one of billions of systems, each including stars, nebulae, star clusters, and interstellar matter that make up the universe

Milky way = Greek (galaxias kuklos) = (milky circle). Indo European root (melg) to rub off , to milk. Further Indo-European root of gala (wel) = well, a festive occasion or celebration, pleasure, to make merry, gallant, smart, brave, spirited, splendid, grand, chivalrous, noble, stately, civil, weal, a sound healthy or prosperous state, well being, happiness, general good, welfare of community, wealth,  (weal) = a ridge on the flesh raised by a blow, welt, benevolent, desirable, will.

Desirable (further Indo-European root) = to come, he who comes, desirable guest, welcome guest, to arrive, come to be, to become, advent, to go, walk, step, thread, seat, raised platform, beama

Beama : In Judasim, platform from which services are conducted in a synagogue (also called almemar)

Beama: In eastern orthodox church, enclosed area about the altar, sanctuary,

Definition of advent: the coming of Christ at the incarnation, second coming, arrival

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