Friday, January 24, 2014

Definition of walk (wel) Indo-European root:

to turn, roll, to curve, mollusk (having a spiral shell), toss, to tie up with cord, a well (rolling or bubbling water, spring), streak on the skin, welt, round stem, fault, vault, voluable, volume, voluge, volva, womb, leaf of a door (that which turns).

Definition of water (wed) Indo-European root:

wet, to wash, wave, abound, surround, inundate

Definition  of inundate:

to cover with water, especially flood water, overflow, overwhelm as with a flood, to swamp, to flow in, wave

Definition  of eye (Indo-European) root akw: a loop, a circular area of relative calm at the center of a cyclone

Definition of cyclone: coil, wheel, circle, cycle

Definition of cycle (Indo-European root) kwel: revolve, move around, sojourn, dwell, to protect, axis of a sphere, pole, pulley

Definition of needle (Indo-European root) sne: to spin, sew, thread

Definition of spin (Indo-European root) spen: to draw out (fibers), twist into thread, cause to rotate swiftly, twirl, whirl, to fish, to ride or drive rapidly, turn, spiral

Definition of cloud (Indo-European root) nebh: nebula, nimbus, rain, aura

Definition of generate: to beget

Definition of loins: center of regenerative power

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