Friday, January 31, 2014


This picture (from National Geographic Magazine) denotes a computer simulation of the energy from the big bang and the formation of a micro galaxy.

The circle contains a tracing of the Shroud of Turin face (which I traced and placed on this picture). 

The Shroud face that I traced and placed on this computer image can be found on the first page of this blog site.

note: this information now being viewed was originally posted on this blog site Mon. June 28, 2010


 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with a fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Malachi 4:2 -  "But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in His wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall"

SUN (from Indo-European root swen): to sound, sonic, resound, unison, (singer), sonnet, to dive swiftly downward (used of whale or fish)  

DIVE (from Indo-European root swem): to move, stir, swim, sea

Astronomy magazine (February 2014 - page 12) Article written by Sarah Scoles, reported in the Oct 20, issue of Astrophysical Journal Title of article (Waves warm the Sun's Corona.) Solves long standing mystery.

"Then looking at this polar coronal hole, the astronomers saw evidence that below the sun's surface, waves develop. These undulations swell up to the surface then release their magnetic energy outward into the corona. These deposits that originate within our star's interior are enough to explain the significant temperature difference between the surface, where the energy is still trapped in the waves, and the corona, where that energy is discharged, heating the area and spurring the solar wind."

UNDULATE (Indo-European root wed): water, wash, surround, abound, pulsate.

CUP (Indo-European root geu): to curve, bend, tub, coop, summit, head, arch, hive, to hasten, to drive, gyre, gyro

GYRE (a ring or circle, vortex, spiral, a circular or spiral motion)

GYRATE (to revolve on or around a center or axis, coiled)

WING (Indo-European root we): wind, storm, blowing, weather, vent, vapor, air, aura, window, winnowing fan, breath, nirvana

CRUNCH THEORY - scientific theory that the universe will collapse into a black hole

CRUNCH (to chew with a noisy or crackling sound, to grind or tread noisily, to move or proceed with a crushing sound)

CRUSH (to press together between opposing bodies so as to break, to break, pound, grind, to extract or obtain by pressing or squeezing, to press upon, shove, crowd, overwhelm)

COMPRESSION (to proceed or move by crowding or pressing) (multitude), extreme pressure, a great crowd or throng

Milky Way Wobbles, Astronomy Magazine, Feb 2014, page 20:

"Our galaxy rotates around the supermassive black hole at it's center, but as scientists describe online Oct. 3, in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, it also wobbles and squishes in the north/south direction, perpendicular to the galaxy's main disk, or it's plane".


Monday, January 27, 2014

BREAD (Indo-European root BHREU): to boil, bubble, effervesce, burn, brew, a warming, hatching, rearing of young, offspring, brewed, to beget or cherish offspring, breed, warm air, steam, breath, breathe, burning coal, amber, braise, braze, breeze, flaming torch, flaming sword, brand, piece of burning wood, brandish, ferment, fervent, spring, stream, meat

GENESIS1:30: (ORIGINAL KING JAMES) "And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air and to everything that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so."

MALACHI 4: "For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble; and the day that cometh shall burn them up, sayeth the Lord Of Hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.

Why does man believe that murdering God's creatures is acceptable and pleasing to God. Jesus Christ sacrificed himself to break that chain.

God told Abraham, I will provide myself, a sacrifice.

Read Isaiah 1. (original King James)

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Blood  - definition (Indo-European - bhlo): to spring up, well forth

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Definition of nebula: mist, cloud, fog, any of many immense bodies highly rarified gas or dust in interstellar space, galaxy

Definition of galaxy: from Greek (galakt) - gala = milk. Akin to Latin lac = milk, milky way galaxy, one of billions of systems, each including stars, nebulae, star clusters, and interstellar matter that make up the universe

Milky way = Greek (galaxias kuklos) = (milky circle). Indo European root (melg) to rub off , to milk. Further Indo-European root of gala (wel) = well, a festive occasion or celebration, pleasure, to make merry, gallant, smart, brave, spirited, splendid, grand, chivalrous, noble, stately, civil, weal, a sound healthy or prosperous state, well being, happiness, general good, welfare of community, wealth,  (weal) = a ridge on the flesh raised by a blow, welt, benevolent, desirable, will.

Desirable (further Indo-European root) = to come, he who comes, desirable guest, welcome guest, to arrive, come to be, to become, advent, to go, walk, step, thread, seat, raised platform, beama

Beama : In Judasim, platform from which services are conducted in a synagogue (also called almemar)

Beama: In eastern orthodox church, enclosed area about the altar, sanctuary,

Definition of advent: the coming of Christ at the incarnation, second coming, arrival

Friday, January 24, 2014

Definition of walk (wel) Indo-European root:

to turn, roll, to curve, mollusk (having a spiral shell), toss, to tie up with cord, a well (rolling or bubbling water, spring), streak on the skin, welt, round stem, fault, vault, voluable, volume, voluge, volva, womb, leaf of a door (that which turns).

Definition of water (wed) Indo-European root:

wet, to wash, wave, abound, surround, inundate

Definition  of inundate:

to cover with water, especially flood water, overflow, overwhelm as with a flood, to swamp, to flow in, wave

Definition  of eye (Indo-European) root akw: a loop, a circular area of relative calm at the center of a cyclone

Definition of cyclone: coil, wheel, circle, cycle

Definition of cycle (Indo-European root) kwel: revolve, move around, sojourn, dwell, to protect, axis of a sphere, pole, pulley

Definition of needle (Indo-European root) sne: to spin, sew, thread

Definition of spin (Indo-European root) spen: to draw out (fibers), twist into thread, cause to rotate swiftly, twirl, whirl, to fish, to ride or drive rapidly, turn, spiral

Definition of cloud (Indo-European root) nebh: nebula, nimbus, rain, aura

Definition of generate: to beget

Definition of loins: center of regenerative power

Thursday, January 23, 2014

PA - definition: father, short for papa.

PA definition (Indo-European): to feed, protect. In Latin (suffixed form): PASCERE
to feed.

Pastor definition: shepherd

Latin PANIS definition: bread

Monday, January 20, 2014

Through computer simulation research, done by Adam Burroughs at the University of Arizona, discovery was made that acoustic energy (soundwaves) are responsible for the expansion of supernovas, producing a shock wave that vibrates 300 times per second - the frequency that corresponds to the musical note F above middle C. Sound waves expand and produce a wobbling shock wave that forces the supernova to expand.

Sol-fa scale:

This scale is called a gamut.   Gamut means entire series of recognized musical notes (full scope of anything from beginning to the end, first to last, alpha to omega).

Gamut is derived from 2 words, gamma-ut.  Greek gamma (camel) and the word ut (that). Ut is equal to musical tone C.  The word ut is derived from the Indo-european word kwo.

Definition of kwo: who, which and that. The Indo-European word lik (body, form, to please, like) is included in the definitions relating to the Indo-European word kwo.

Definition of like (derived from lik (Indo-European). The definition means: to find pleasant, to prefer, choose, to be fond of, to agree with, to resemble closely, to possess characteristics of, to equal. Synonymous with the word love.

Definition of likely: imminent, logically or expectedly to occur, within the realm of credibility, plausible, apparent, successful, promising, apt, attractive, pleasant

Definition of liken: to see, mention, or show as like.

Definition of likeness: the state of quality of resembling or being like something

Other Indo-European words related to kwo: yeu, per, kom, mei, su, sta, bheu, qwei.