Meaning of the name Jesus (saviour)
Names, titles and offices of Christ - definition of CHRIST (ANOINTED)
Adam, the Second, 1st Corinthians 15:45,47
Advocate, 1st John 2:1
Alpha and Omega, Rev. 1:8
Amen, Rev. 3:14
Author and finisher of our faith, Heb. 12:2
Author of eternal salvation, Heb. 5:9
Beginning of the creation of God, Rev. 3:14
Blessed and only potentate, 1 Tim. 2:15
Branch, Zech. 3:8
Bread of God, John 6:33
Bread of life, John 6:35
Captain of salvation, Heb. 2:10
Child, little, Isaiah 11:6
Christ, the, Matt. 16:16
Corner-stone, Eph. 2:20
Counsellor, Isaiah 9:6
David, Jer. 30:9, Hosea 3:5
Day-spring, Luke 1:78
Deliverer, Romans 11:26
Desire of all nations, Hag. 2:7
Emmanuel, Isaiah 7:14, Matt. 1:23
Everlasting Father, Isaiah 9:16
Faithful witness, Rev. 1:5
First and last, Rev. 1:17
First-begotten of the dead, Rev 1:5
God, Isaiah 40:9
God blessed forever, Romans 9:5
Good shepherd, John 10:11
Governor, Matthew 2:6
Great high priest, Heb. 4:14
High Priest, Heb. 5:10
Holy Child Jesus, Acts 4:27
Holy- the Most, Dan. 9:24
Holy One, Luke 4:34
Holy Thing, Luke 1:35
Horn of salvation, Luke 1:69
I Am, Exod. 3:14, with John 8:58
Image of God, 2nd Cor. 4:4
Jehovah, Isaiah 26:4
Jesus, Matt. 1:21
Just One, Acts 7:52
King Everlasting, Luke 1:33
King of Israel, John 1:49
King of the Jews, Matt. 2:2
King of kings, 1 Tim. 6:15
Lamb of God, John 1:29
Lawgiver, Isaiah 33:22
Light of the world, John 8:12
Light, True, John 1:9
Lion of the tribe of Judah, Rev. 5:5
Living stone, 1 Peter 2:4
Lord, Matt. 3:3
Lord God Almighty, Rev. 15:3
Lord of all, Acts 10:36
Lord of Glory, 1 Cor. 2:8
Lord of lords, Rev. 17:14
Lord our righteousness, Jer. 23:6
Maker and Preserver of all things, John 1:3
Mediator, 1 Tim. 2:5
Mediator of the new covenant, Heb. 12:24
Messiah, Dan. 9:25
Mighty God, Isaiah 9:6
Mighty one of Jacob, Isaiah 60:16
Nazarene, Matt. 2:23
Our Passover, 1 Cor. 5:7
Priest forever, Heb. 5:6
Prince, Acts 5:31
Prince of Life, Acts 3:15
Prince of Peace, Isaiah 9:6
Prince of the kings of the earth, Rev. 1:5
Prophet, Deut. 18:15
Redeemer, Job 19:25
Righteous, the, 1 John 2:1
Root and offspring of David, Rev 22:16
Root of David, Rev. 5:5
Ruler in Israel, Mic. 5:2
Same yesterday, today, and forever, Heb. 13:8
Saviour, Luke 2:11
Shepherd and bishop of souls, 1 Peter 2:25
Shepherd in the land, Zech. 11:16
Shepherd of the sheep, great, Heb. 13:20
Shiloh, Genesis 49:10
Son, a, Heb. 3:6
Son, the, Ps. 2:12
Son, My beloved, Matt. 3:17
Son, only begotten, John 1:18
Son of David, Matt. 9:27
Son of God, Matt. 8:29
Son of man, Matt. 8:20
Son of the Highest, Luke 1:32
Star, bright and morning, Rev. 22:16
Star and sceptre, Num. 24:17
Vine, the, John 15:5
Vine, true, John 15:1
Way,Truth, Life, John 14:6
Witness, faithful and true, Rev. 3:14
Wonderful, Isaiah 9:6
Word, John 1:1
Word of God, Rev. 19:13
Definition of Christians: The name given to the followers of Christ. It was first used, Acts 11:26. at Antioch in Syria about A.D. 42.
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
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