Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Look for Images of God around you.... look at our world.

Below is a copy of a satellite photograph of Northern Israel, including Mt Carmel.

Below: an image of Jesus Christ's face from the Shroud of Turin, with the body of Jesus Christ from the Shroud of Turin superimposed on the face (the body makes the face).

Below is the Shroud face superimposed over the satellite map shown above. The body of the Shroud that is superimposed over the face of the Shroud will also align to this map,

Below is the full body image from the Shroud of Turin  - superimposed over a map of  Europe, West Asia, and Africa.  This is a map of the earth's crust as it appears with the water removed. Jesus Christ's face from the Shroud of Turin will also fit on this map when aligned to the body.

Look for God in everything around you.  In order to see Him you must look for him in faith and you'll find him.

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