Monday, October 26, 2009

The Face superimposed over Sagittarius A
Note: How the dark area of the star image completes the beard of the face.

Monday, October 12, 2009

New Beginning

Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil.

In 2012 Earth will enter into the area of the Milky Way Galaxy known as the Dark Rift.

Words to note:

1. Dark = Shadow
2. Rift = valley, rive, reap, river
3. Jordan= Garden
4. Walk = Roll
5. Death = End, Conclusion, Finish
Star as seen below with shroud face overlay

Massive Star in Milky Way Galaxy
Shroud image over Sagittarius A outline

God's name in Hebrew is seen in satellite photograph of the mountains near Bethel.

Plot of Sagittarius over dark matter energy plot of the universe.

Image over center of the universe

Note: Outline of Sagittarius A over the shroud image. The image can be rotated in different directions to make the face.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Image from Shroud over the dark matter plot

Image if dark matter forming in the universe from Astronomy Magazine, Oct 2009 pg 31